Coulter Vs. Mrs. Edwards, O'Riley Vs. MSNBC

Ann Coulter was in the news again, and as wacky and pointless it is to hear her, the Liberal media found a way to twist things into making John Edwards wife a victim of radical religious right hate. Remember, this is coming form 'the most reliable news news networks' that present all the facts and are balanced and fair. When I turned on the television in the morning a few days ago I head this: "The wife of John Edwards has attacked on Ann Coulter on a radio show after Coulter said the day before that she wished John Edwards had died in a terrorist attack."

Personally, upon hearing that I was mad. My thoughts were that Coulter needs to shut up and get a life. This was in my head all day, and it took Glenn Beck on Headline News late at night to set it straight. Here are Coulter's acutal words: “..But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack. So, I’ve learned my lesson. If I’m gonna’ say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.”

I know Democrats have something in defense of this balanced, one-sided report. On other news MSNBC and Bill O'Riley are at it again over claims made by O'Riley about a double murder suicide that was related to WWE super star Chris Benoit. I did not see this, but apparently Bill said that Beniot's wife was at part to blame over what happened. The only way I would agree with that is if she knew she and her child were at risk and did nothing about it. Maybe that was the case, but again I don't know all the facts. I could believe that he may have been abusive, and a report has claimed that he injected his son with steroids. All I know is that it seemed to perfect time for MSNBC to spout off on how stupid Bill O'Riley is, and they aren't afraid to say it on air. Another chance to be fair and unbiased.

Now while I'm on a tear of the 'biased' stuff, I am up front with the fact that Fox News does plenty of the same thing for Republicans. But for some Liberals just to talk about how bad Fox News is and not be up front with how poor the other networks that are to thier liking is, they need to use their heads and find something resonable to complain about.

Bloomberg, Thompson Movement, and Updates

It is sorta the same old bad news for Republicans. Iraq has decreased GOP support on the war to all time lows, and if things couldn't get any better, Bloomberg, who is no longer a Republican, seems to be more and more interested in taking a swing as an Independent candidate. Early indications seem to be that it will affect Republicans more than it affect the Democrat. Which seems to mean Hillary, who is way ahead in most polls who have a better chance of taking the election (Like a Ross Perot helping Bill Clinton back in 92' and 96' deal). This of course is only a possible scenario.

There is good news though. Thompson has now stormed by Giuliani in the lastest Rasmussen poll, which puts him ahead by 5. If he can win the primary, it would seem that he wouldn't take as many votes away from him as he would Rudy in a general election. In fact, for those democrats and moderates who are scared to death of a Hillary presidency, Bloomberg is a pretty good alternative, but for the right-wing would not be, so it could actually help the Republican. Another possible scenario. It is at least fun to think about at least.

As for Thompson, a couple of new polls have been released and he has now taken over Nevada, and Texas. Those are good indications that Thompson is on a strong rise. Those are the only new polls at the moment that include Thompson. This can be found on my 2008 Primary page.

A Couple of Things...

If you take a look on the right sidebar you can now find the primaries page up and running. I almost think it was a bad idea considering the nature of primaries. Howard Dean seemed to lead every state until his little scream and the next thing you know he is behind in every poll. But I guess it is something to try out this year even if it doesn't work out in the end.

Also, I've got a new poll set up at the top of the site asking if you would support an invasion of Iran. Be sure to vote, and keep looking for more and more features to come.