Bloomberg, Thompson Movement, and Updates

It is sorta the same old bad news for Republicans. Iraq has decreased GOP support on the war to all time lows, and if things couldn't get any better, Bloomberg, who is no longer a Republican, seems to be more and more interested in taking a swing as an Independent candidate. Early indications seem to be that it will affect Republicans more than it affect the Democrat. Which seems to mean Hillary, who is way ahead in most polls who have a better chance of taking the election (Like a Ross Perot helping Bill Clinton back in 92' and 96' deal). This of course is only a possible scenario.

There is good news though. Thompson has now stormed by Giuliani in the lastest Rasmussen poll, which puts him ahead by 5. If he can win the primary, it would seem that he wouldn't take as many votes away from him as he would Rudy in a general election. In fact, for those democrats and moderates who are scared to death of a Hillary presidency, Bloomberg is a pretty good alternative, but for the right-wing would not be, so it could actually help the Republican. Another possible scenario. It is at least fun to think about at least.

As for Thompson, a couple of new polls have been released and he has now taken over Nevada, and Texas. Those are good indications that Thompson is on a strong rise. Those are the only new polls at the moment that include Thompson. This can be found on my 2008 Primary page.