Huckabee Soaring/Romney's Chances Fading, More Iowa

Everyone's been talking about how Huckabee has come from nowhere to compete for Iowa, but now he is pulling away by a wide margin according to a recent Newsweek poll. According to this poll Huckabee has pulled ahead by 22 points with 39% of the vote. Romney is downward at 17% and Thompson is at 10%. Giuliani, Paul, and McCain are other candidates still getting high single digits. This is the third staight poll to show Huckabee ahead, and any other poll showing Romney ahead is within the margin of error. At this point, Romney's chances are getting darker and darker as his only hope was in winning Iowa. On top of that, his large lead in New Hampshire is steadily falling also.

In the same poll that shows Huckabee ahead by 22%, also shows Obama storming ahead to a lead of six points. Obama is at 35%, Clinton is at 29%, with Edwards hanging around with 18% of the vote. I don't know if it is enough to win the entire primary, but this is the fourth poll out of five to give Obama the edge. The last two have him above the margin of error also.

Hard to believe, but a month ago Clinton and Romney seemed to have things wrapped up in Iowa.