"It's Palin!": Sarah Palin Tabbed McCain's VP

In a suprise move, Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) has been selected as John McCain's running mate. McCain did a brilliant job keeping things under wraps, as the media swirled over the belief that it must have been Tim Pawlenty, and if not him, Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, and Joe Lieberman were sure to be on top.

The selection of Sarah Palin was met with praise from the GOP, and mixture of shock and critics from the Democrats. Certainly part of the thought process was to get some Hillary voters. She is also a strong 'classic' Republican and pro (life), something many questioned on McCain.

My initial thought was that it would hurt McCain's experience argument, but from a better prospective, McCain's experience didn't go away. As far as executive experience, Palin is in better shape than Obama. So how could Obama even think about trying to raise that argument. He has had one year in the senate, and two years of campaigning.

I believe McCain is taking a chance, but my initial feelings are that it is a winning chance. I don't see it hurting, but it has MORE than potential when it comes to helping him.

We will see...

Breaking News: Pawlenty Not VP Pick, Sarah Palin Rumors Gain Steam

CNN has just confirmed that Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, who appeared the frount runner as of late last night, is NOT John McCain's choice for vice-president. Mitt Romney also appears unlikely at this point.

Sarah Palin has gotten a lot of media converage this morning, as a private jet from Alaska that fits bill of Palin landed this morning about 20 miles from where McCain is supposed to release his choice.

There are still a number of dark horses that should not be ruled out at the moment and those are: Tom Ridge (Pennsylvania), Joe Lieberman (Connecticut), and Rob Portman (Ohio).

Mitt Romney is still not out of the question, but he doesn't appear to have any plans to go to Ohio as of last report. Tom Ridge is also very unlikely at this point, as he said he also has no plans of heading to Ohio.

Barack Obama DNC Acceptance Speech (Short)

This was the other half of his speech. I could not find the whole thing this morning.

DNC National Convention: Day Two

About as expected, will satisfy Demcrats while GOP will continue to say Hillary doesn't really support Barack Obama.

Report: Tim Pawlenty May be VP Pick

John McCain has made his choice for VP. Although he has remained mum on the issue, Pawlenty has abruptly cancelled his AP interviews in Denver and is currently leaving. For conservitives, this is about as good as you can get. His pastor carries over 30 million evangelicals with him, and has the possibility at least to put Minnesota in the battleground area.

Again this is all speculation. McCain will meet with his VP pick in Ohio. John McCain is expected to acknowledge his pick late thursday or early friday.

Hillary Clinton Speech

All eyes are on Hillary Clinton as she makes her big speech...what's gonna happen?

Update: Well, I believe Hillary gave a 'good' speech, but nothing that I wasn't expecting. Highlights will be up tomorrow.

Highlights of the Democratic National Convention Day One

Pretty typical, although I must say Nancy Pelosi needs work. I also thought Jesse Jackson Jr. gave a very strong speech in my opinion.


Each day I will be posting some of the highlights from the previous days convention online. Comments are more than welcome.

Barack America, Bounce

And it is offical, as Obama has chosen Joe Biden (D-Deleware) as his running mate. From my stand point, Obama has made a wise choice. Every candidate brings in new issues, but even though it hurts the 'McCain's too old' argument, it brings much needed experience, that Obama likely feels is his hurdle towards the presidency.

The McCain camp is gearing for a huge surge for Obama as the Democratic Covention starts. Typical candidates recieve a 5 point bounce from the convention. McCain is gearing up for a possible 6-8 point bounce. The VP pick along with the convention is very welcome to Obama as his lead has vanished and is now in the fight of his life.

New Projections

All projections have been updated today. My presidential page is still under constuction, as I am trying hard to get a nice setup, but it has been updated nonetheless.

I am also planning on putting some more competitive house races, as the list is getting longer and longer. I will let you know when that happens.