New Projections

All projections have been updated today. My presidential page is still under constuction, as I am trying hard to get a nice setup, but it has been updated nonetheless.

I am also planning on putting some more competitive house races, as the list is getting longer and longer. I will let you know when that happens.


Anonymous said...

I was browsing the political blogs besides Election Junkie and found saying this on the interview with McCain/Obama and
Rick Warren (Evangelist Preacher and Author)

Electoral wrote about Warren's question to the candidates on what rich is: '[Warren]who has had a long history of preaching about our need to help the poor, asked Obama what his definition of "rich" was, Obama quipped: If you sell 25 million books (which Warren has done), you qualify. McCain said anyone making $5 million a year was rich

THE TRUTH IS according to an article:

When Warren asked Obama to define the word “rich,” the Illinois senator teased him about the mammoth sales of his book, “The Purpose Driven Life.” He noted his plan to add a Social Security payroll tax to incomes above $250,000 a year.

McCain said, “some of the richest people I’ve ever known in my life are the most unhappy.”

He said being rich should be defined by having a home and a prosperous and safe world. Without mentioning Obama, he said some want to increase taxes.

“I don’t want to take any money from the rich. I want everybody to get rich,” McCain said. “I don’t want to raise anybody’s taxes. I really don’t.”

When pushed on an exact number, he turned to his humor. “If you’re just talking about income, how about five million?” he JOKED, before pivoting to clarify: “I’m sure that comment will be distorted.” is not reporting

As to Obama raising payroll taxes on Soc. Security for any making $250,000 or more...considering that
the aim of soc. security taxes is that IT'S YOUR MONEY and YOU get it back is giving the wealthy persons back MORE for thier retirement helping 'the poor'

If we actually do keep social security...let Obama explain how
he intends to get 'the poor' to
be able to have a comfortable retirement on THIER social security payroll taxes. (sounds like Obama doesn't understand how
social security works, in fact: those paying in to social security
are paying for THOSE NOW RETIRED,
and it doesn't matter if you GET MORE DOLLARS from 'a few' ...the
number of workers will be LESS than
the number of retirees, when baby boomers start leaving the workforce. So 'taxing the few' isn't going to 'cover the many'

Obama made a big gaff...

Anonymous said...

So, the 'secret' is out; Sen. Obama selected 'ta-daaaaaah' Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware.

Sen. Biden is 'TRUE' to LIBERAL policy. [birds of a feather flock together]

But aside from that 'youthful' Obama selected someone 66 years of age to be his running mate. Is it possible Sen. Obama knows he lacks
EXPERIENCE? Sounds that way.
All the rhetoric on 'youth youth youth' and his running mate could be Obama's 'father'

Sen. Biden's words about Obama prior to his winning the primaries as the dem candidate [though it is at the convention that he will actually be selected]

Sen. Biden on Obama: from Wikepedia:

>Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Biden was supportive of the Bush administration's efforts, calling for additional ground troops in Afghanistan and AGREEING that SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS A THREAT AND NEEDED TO BE DEALT WITH.


>Then in September 1987, the campaign FOR PRESIDENT of Biden, ran into serious trouble when he was accused of plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock, then-leader of the British Labour Party.[26] Though Biden had correctly credited the original author in all speeches but one, the one where he failed to make mention of the originator was caught on video.[27]

Within days, it was also discovered that as a first-year law student at Syracuse Law School, Biden had plagiarized a law review article in a class paper he wrote. Biden was permitted to retake the course after receiving a grade of F, which was subsequently dropped from his record.

this is interesting: Biden also released his undergraduate grades, which started off poorly and remained UNEXCEPTIONAL.

Further, when questioned by a New Hampshire resident about his grades in law school Biden had claimed falsely to have graduated in the "top half" of his class, (when he actually graduated 76th in a class of 85) that he had attended on a full scholarship, and had received three degrees.[29] In fact he had received two majors, History and Political Science, and a single B.A., as well as a half scholarship based on financial need.[29]

Faced with these revelations, Biden withdrew from the nomination race on September 23, 1987, saying his candidacy had been overrun by "the exaggerated shadow" of his mistakes.

nice words: 'exaggerated shadow of his mistakes' Hey...he didn't do well in school period. [so no more complaints on the intellect of our current President]

and no more mocking our President on word usage...I give you this Biden SPOKE in Jan 2008:

...Biden's January 31 remark on fellow Democratic candidate and Senator Barack Obama, frequently transcribed as, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."[35] However, several linguists and political analysts stated that the correct transcription includes a comma after the word "African-American", which "would significantly change the meaning (and the degree of offensiveness) of Biden's comment".[36] Still, his comments took second place on Time magazine's list of Top 10 Campaign Gaffes for 2007.[TOP 10 gaffes of speech; and this is someone who COULD be speaking with IRAN?]

So...this is who Sen. Obama selected. [sure, he's white, he's old, he's from the northeast and

I'll pass