Jim Gilmore Drops Out, 08 Leaders

Jim Gilmore is offically out the race for president. He has cited little money, late start, low poll numbers as the reason for his withdraw. This comes as little suprise as Gilmore stood almost no chance of winning the nomination. He is now the first semi-major candidate to drop out for either party, and should be followed soon by other candidates that have not drawn much attention.

Although I liked Gilmore, he is not a candidate that had much of a Chance to win. At this point, I believe that John Edwards or Hillary Clinton will win for the democrats; the edge handed to Clinton as she barley has the lead in Iowa. I wouldn't be suprised to see a Clinton/Edwards ticket, but I don't know if Edwards would want to go through the whole deal again as VP. On the Republican side, it is in the air. The edge seems to be for Romney as he has the lead in many polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire, but Fred Thompson isn't even an offical candidate and he is on his heels. He actually leads in Iowa in one poll. In the Grand picture, Thompson has already taken the lead in places like Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and his home state of Tennessee. I would place my odds on Thompson before Romney at this point.