When asked about Obama's accomplishments...

Ummm, can anyone add to that?


Anonymous said...

wow...that does speak much. And yet, the 'college crowd' is so 'supportive' says the MSM.

What are they supporting?

and then from Sen Obama himself:
'While Obama would not admit a mistake in describing his views on Iraq, he said he had plenty of room for improvement as a presidential candidate.

"One of the things I've always tried to do is learn from mistakes and try to get better," he said.

"There is a learning curve and growth being a presidential candidate. I think I'm a much better candidate now than I was six months ago or 12 months ago. I think I'll be a better communicator and even more effective six months from now."

WOW...there's a 'learning curve' when one tosses their hat into the ring to run for President?

Actually, what Sen. Obama just admitted to is: lack of experience.
(as the other candidate spoke)

ahhh...TRUTH revealed.

Anonymous said...

Experience does not always equal good leadership. President Lincoln had less experience than Barack Obama and look how that turned out. President Bush had more experience than Barack Obama and look how that turned out.

Anonymous said...

Elliott, if you want to be completely serious, and I'm not saying this to discredit the importance and somewhat success of his presidency, but...

other than winning the civil war, what did Lincoln really accomplish. He didn't REALLY free any slaves..he pushed no legislation and if not by the grace of God, he SHOULDN"T have even won the civil war...

and again I do believe Lincoln was a good president, but I would compare him more to George W. Bush than to Barack Obama...who once his true NON-accomplishments are reveled.

And I know I will probly take heat for the comparison to George Bush, but they are pretty similar. His own party began to abandon him, made terrible tatical mistakes (in Lincolns case led to more deaths than any other american war combined), but eventually was able to get the job done.

You can discredit Bush all you want, but if you are logical it is a similar comparison.

BTW, I'm not a huge McCain supporter but HE IS better than Obama. Obama is good only at manipulation, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

jammin' you are correct; there is a great deal of similarity between what A. Lincoln had to do for the nation (hard choices) and what GWB had to do.

Abe Lincoln; suspended habeous corpus so that Civil War prisoners
or those who engaged in practices that opposed the war and war enlistments could be brought to martial law (military trial) rather than a civil court. [mmmm; does sound familiar] ABE LINCOLN had to do it...IN ORDER TO SAVE THE UNION...[mmmm, our President
does know what is Executive priviledge when the stakes are high]


Abe Lincoln also used executive privilage to shut down newspapers
of the day that were hostile to the war effort. [it wasn't popular, but like President Bush,
Abe Lincoln did what had to be done to SAVE THE NATION as a whole)

Abe Lincoln began a war that was NOT popular...but it had to be or
slavery would have continued. In essence Abe Lincoln went to the defense of those who could not defend thier 'right to be'...and
that's JUST WHAT President Bush did when he went to 'free' those enslaved in a terror dominated nation. BOTH President's understood the value of freedom.

George Bush's patriot act; of ensuring that if 'the enemy' is in our midst he will be found; has a familiar ring to it with FDR's internment camps of those who 'might' be the enemy while this nation was at war with the Japanese. Modern technology means the physical walls are not needed to watch...but to be sure;

WHEN AT WAR ... a PRESIDENT has to make some hard decisions to keep ALL safe.

known for being LEADERS who did what had to be done; whether popular or not.

Anonymous said...

mmmm...come to think of it; Abe's shutting down certain newspapers
so that 'the negative words' did
not destroy the morale of a nation
and our President working WITH certain communications companies in order to find out who is saying what from overseas to those in this nation that would or could
bring another 'attack' is indeed similar in ideology.

Anonymous said...


Bush will go down as the worst president in History. (Iraq, Katrina, economy, everything he ever touched).

Abe is considered the best.

Abe put together the most eloquent speeach ever, Bush can't put a sentence together. Abe earned everything he achieved, Bush had everything handed to him and was manipulated like a puppet by smarter, smarmy men.

You guys need to leave the Bush Cult like the rest of you 20 percent right-wing nut holdouts.

The only good thing he has done is ensure a conservative will NEVER AGAIN hold the WH>

Anonymous said...

Obama has a huge laundry list of accomplishments. Educate yourself..


Anonymous said...

that's kindof funny, all but two of those bills anonymous mentions were cosponsered, and a large number of them were also sponsered by John McCain...

In other words, he has accomplished nothing...quit making a retarted argument that can't be won...

Anonymous said...

anonymous said:

'Abe put together the most eloquent speeach ever, Bush can't put a sentence together.'

FIRST: 'speeach' is spelled wrong.

The words you wrote, is not
of a sentence structure.
Perhaps you'd like to take this
test and get back to us.
