Time for My Personal Calls for Election 2008

Good news, I will be covering the election everday from here on out and will be updating my projections on the 24th, 31st, and the day of the election, so be sure check back often for updates.

And now for my calls three weeks from the election. Every week I take the oppurtunity to change these calls up until the election, however I don't have to change them.

My presidential call: Barack Obama will win the election on November 4th, 2008.

But it won't be a landslide. Although McCain is trailing right now, I predict that he will regain Ohio, Florida, Missouri, and North Carolina. Nevada will be too close to call, however it will be Colorado that puts Obama over the edge, as he edges McCain by three or four points. He will have little struggle in New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsion, and Pennsylvania.

My Senate call: Democrats take 57 seats, and the GOP hold on to filibuster powers.

Alaska remains the toss-up, as it depends on how the trial of Ted Stevens goes, but I expect the Democrats to make gains in New Hampshire, Oregan, and New Mexico. I expect the GOP to hold in North Carolina, Georgia, Minnesota, and Mississippi.

My House call: Democrats make more signifigant gains

I can't give an exact number but expect big gains for them once again.


Anonymous said...

Learn more about how voters are making their decisions. Visit http://www.thetruthabout.com/public/294.cfm?affID=and16

Anonymous said...

Here's something else voters should hear

Just a note: Obama does indeed want to grant illegal citizens in this nation driver's licenses...that's how much
Obama cares about U.S. citizens having jobs.

Read it yourself folks:


and straight from Obama's mouth; just in case you don't believe McCain:


OBAMA said YES...he supports giving a person who entered this country ILLEGALLY - a LEGAL driver's license; essentially MAKING THAT ONE - "legal"

Obama's 'reasoning'...to make the streets safer for illegals?
whoaaaaaaa...with reasoning like this ... can we trust Obama talking to the President of Iran?

oooooh boy...

dream on OR WAKE UP!!! Sen. Obama is taking America down the road of
socialism NEXT STOP communism.

and all you folks who yell rights rights rights...watch all rights DISAPPEAR as OBAMA rules over you.

Anonymous said...

Andrea...there's no hiding anything in that statement Obama made as shown on that YOU TUBE video...

"yes ... I support giving illegals driver's licenses" ... now can we get back to the issues...Obama says.

I think Sen. Obama has touched an IMPORTANT issue...

He wants to give illegal citizens the right to drive...

so tell me; does that mean that any U.S. citizen who has driving PRIVILEGES revoked...ie: for drunk driving, reckless driving, underage driving...should also be
immune to LEGAL LAWS that dominate our roadways...

First, Obama wants to 'spread the wealth' ie: take from the guy who worked long and hard to 'get up there' in what Obama calls wealthy...and Obama will hand it out to whom he wishes...THEN
he wants to provide A PRIVILEGE
[not a right] a PRIVILEGE called driving to a person who is illegally here.

This is a man who is 'for the little U.S. citizen? This is a man who rebukes corporations for hiring people out of the USA?

Does anyone sense Obama is playing both sides of the fence...primarily because he just doesn't know 'right action from wrong action?'


Anonymous said...


does this YOU TUBE VIDEO MEAN that any U.S. citizen who has driving PRIVILEGES revoked...ie: for drunk driving, reckless driving, underage driving...ie: THE PRIVILEGE taken away because they

are as immune to LEGAL LAWS?

because when Obama said a 'yes'
ILLEGAL persons should have
driver licenses...he's saying
LAWS do not matter...

YET...he will 'stand on' 'the law'
of Roe v Wade...that Women have a '
right to abort thier flesh and blood.

apparently 'law' is only as it
benefits THE OBAMA WAYS...

it's as plain as the nose on anyone's face. Obama knows not a thing about right action and wrong action objectively.

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the Dems gaining the seat in VA!

And, BTW - everyone should enjoy equal rights no matter who we are or how we came here. Don't hate people just because they come to this country looking to do work that Americans won't do.

Anonymous said...

more videos of Sen. Obama:

This from a lawyer in Pennsylvania, a democrat, an official of Pennsylvania of good standing... Maybe some will discount the first two articles

but...the You Tube video by a lawyer who is democrat; leads one\
to question WHAT IS SEN. OBAMA and the DEMOCRAT party hiding? If
Sen. Obama were elected and TRUTH came out he is NOT a citizen of these United States...ooooh boy,
Democrats as a party will never be believed again... Again, I ask: Why can't Sen. Obama produce for the court legitimate record of his
birth certificate?



THIS You Tube video...does indeed lead one to wonder is Obama a citizen or not? What is the democrat party hiding? What is Sen. Obama hiding? Come up with the legitimate birth certificate as McCain did...and that's that...instead Sen. Obama is dragging the feet...


and obviously if this was filed in a Pensylvania court, it's easily verified...you can't make this stuff up...

Anonymous said...

some 'anonymous' commenter wrote
in his or her own logic ???

"everyone should enjoy equal rights no matter who we are or how we came here. Don't hate people just because they come to this country looking to do work that Americans won't do."

huh?? What is this one saying?
Hate? Where is hate? Are lies equal to truth? Well then, let's just toss our legislative and judicial branches because if everything is the same...obviously there is no wrong.

Sorry 'fella' condoning those who
enter this country by illegal means VIOLATES the rights of those who struggled to get here LEGALLY
and do those beginning jobs that other U.S. citizens don't want.
and hiring illegals makes it HARDER for legitimate citizens with visas to get legitimate pay for the work they do. Illegals bring down the pay scale as they will work for just about ANYTHING.

Obama wishes to provide these persons legal driving PRIVILEGE.
Opening the door, of course, to those also here illegally who are of the 'terroristic' mindset. Enabling such of terror mind to go anywhere and do damage...

Anonymous said...

Ted Stevens guilty on all charges - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,444257,00.html - From fox news.

Anonymous said...

some 'anonymous' commenter wrote that Sen. Stevens is guilty in Alaska...

so...'guilty' ... BUT OF COURSE...

we can then give the 'guilty' of the DEMOCRAT Congressman in Florida....who took over for Congressman Foley (charged with homosexual stuff) Seems Mahoney is being charged with a multiplicity
of affairs


ahhhh...folks the word for this is not Republican or Democrat...it's
SIN... and SIN pulls ALL DOWN...

guess what? there is a remedy: GOD.

Where your heart is that will you treasure. If the heart is with the
dollar thing...one is going to listen to the guy who wants to
change marriage definition, affirm the act of aborting new life rather than affirming self control of the WILL, and wants to 'spread the wealth around' ie: take from those who HAVE by thier own effort
and give it to whom HE DECLARES deserves. (this latter part however, is the ULTIMATE in playing god rather than obeying THE GOD...ahhh yes indeed...it is Obama Almighty who will decide who gets 'graced' (favored) and who has it taken away...

In a word, under Sen. Obama rule
there will be no order ... but
even more 'me me me' ...whatever's
good for 'me' Self Indulgent Natures aka SIN...

If one loved GOD, SPIRIT of authentic good...one would honor the ways of GOD...

and be given those virtues that allow one to turn the other way when the 'opposite spirit' always at work in this world tempts...

virtues like SELF CONTROL of the WILL, Prudence in handling dollars,
Understanding of self (strengths and weaknesses) and in understanding the weak human self
A HUMILITY not to fall for the
egocentric calls of the devil...
who says "you have a right" "you


Luke Chap. 9 verse 23 and 24.