John McCain - Acceptance Speech Ending - Republican National Convention 09/04/08

A bit slow at many points, but his reasons for loving his country and then ending was very well done. And by the way, his speech brought in better ratings than Obama.


UliPele said...

The only reason I turned in was b/c I was almost certain that one of the two following scenarios would take place:

1) The skies would open up over St. Paul and God would strike McCain with a lightening bolt as punishment for all of his (McCain's) lies.

2) McPinocchio's nose was going to bust out so fast that it would impale the blind supporters milling around on the convention floor.

Ratings ≠ Support

Anonymous said...

Ulipele, you would be one of those retards that protest during the convention. I mean come on, how could you let yourself be so devalued enough to believe that Obama would bring change to Washington.

You are the type of person that would pray for the death of McCain simply to spur your narrow sided belief in one side of the complete corruption of American politcs.

If you would be willing to spend just five minutes. Do some research on Obama's life, how he won elections in Illinois, what he has (or rather hasn't) accomplished in congress, and understand that you have let yourself be decived by a corrupt and nasty posion of partsionship.

Do you really want to be the person that wishes for the death of some one? Some one who has done nothing wrong to you?

Now I am not a big fan of politics, because I don't wanna be like you. I don't want to be posioned with what you are infected with.

You make me want to throw up.

Unknown said...

When will you be posting a prediction about the GA 9th congressional race?

Anonymous said...


My plan to post additional house races are long over due, but I will adding many more house races, including Georgia's 9th District within the next week.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: I do agree with your sentiment [feelings] and while I realize it's hard not to get riled by the HATE of not fall for this one's "ways."

Keep working, let 'them' talk and taunt and mock and try every which way to bring ALL down to thier level. [which is the aim of the worldly, whether they know it or not] They 'can't do' whatever...
so they attempt to be like that child in the classroom who sticks their foot out in the aisle - to 'trip up' the 'good'...

It's how they have fun [strangely]

RISE ABOVE them ways...RISE IN SPIRIT that they as yet do not know. As our Lord, God ROSE rather than stay with 'the earthly'

RISE IN SPIRIT...and you win.

Anonymous said...

When last I spoke, I spoke on winning. 'you' win "I" win...

Truth is, that's not how it's supposed to be. It's not 'you' "I"
it's "we" the people.

Does that mean all persons in this nation are 'equal' depends on what understanding one brings to that mis-interpreted word.

Sorry folk, but not everything in this earthly life is 'equal.' It's impossible. Believe it or not, a woman is NOT the same as a man. Sorry "ms's" out there, but you are woman. You are by nature physically different than a man.

Do all persons have the same gifts?
Impossible. What a dull world this would be if everyone was 'gifted' in the same stuff. ie: EQUAL in everything. Why...there would be no need for needing another would there.

Ahhh...and that's the essence of God. HE doesn't 'need anyone' He
has always been, is always the same, knows all (omnipiscent) and
is everywhere (omnipresent) But,
in his divine love He created 'mankind' ie: HUMANity.
Mankind once lived in paradise; where all was peaceful. Paradise being that full union with the Creator of all things. Man disobeyed and 'lost that peace'
So, God in his never changing love;
came 'in the flesh' to teach humans what 'equal' was about.
He came, not to be the equal of THE FATHER but to do all things in and through the Father. He came humble and meek, knowing He in flesh could do nothing.

The world view of equality is of
the opposite spirit (yes the devil) than God's view. Often the devil takes GOD'S WORD and twists the words to benefit 'self.' The world view of equal means everyone must have 'the same material possessions' ... NOPE. THAT'S CALLED SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM and
it's putting faith in only ANOTHER HUMAN for those possessions.

God's view of equality is as stated generally above. He came to earth not to be the equal of God but to serve God. In that Spirit, God dwells in mankind. If HE came to serve, so must we. ahhh...but
our service to others does not mean we are doormats. It means;
ALL abiding in that ONE SPIRIT
help one another to 'be' / to 'grow' / to develop those spirit gifts and virtues that enable us to always have that which we need. It's not necessarily about big bucks, though if 'big bucks' comes consider it a blessing for doing things 'as one should have'

EQUAL by God's view is that without him we can do nothing. We are all under Him. In respect TO HIM we serve others in Love. aka In God. If we are blessed, we meet those others of similar mind and relationships form. (friendships)
This can be that close bond called MAN AND WOMAN holy matrimony or simply two good friends who help one another. [non sexually] just friends. It can be siblings. It
can be parent and child as child grows to maturity and then becomes
not dependent on parent but an 'equality' of spirit understanding is present so that
IN SPIRIT the parent and child are equal. Cooperative union of one spirit.

In the worldly view: Equality is
nothing more than ONE trying to have POWER OVER the other. ONE getting a right which of course takes from the rights of the other one. A constant fighting is always present. It's a 'hellish' way to live. your rights my rights



E PLURIBUS UNUM the many become ONE [in Spirit...His Spirit]

Open hearts to hear YOUR WORD, Lord

Anonymous said...

I'm going to put down several significant points that my last comment brought out.

1. GOD'S SPIRIT is 'other centered'
the opposite spirit of God is called 'the devil' [aka evil or bad, in various shades of grey to complete darkness ie: NO LIGHT]

2. Th devil takes God's Holy Word meant to give authentic GOOD living and 'twists the words around.' To the un-discerning ear; it 'sounds good' 'it sounds like God' ahhhh...but if in the listening 'I' is more prevalent than GOD'S's not of God.

Examples from the 1960's:

"all ya need is love la la la la"
lyrics from a group called the Beatles. Of course, the love they sang of was all about 'sex' 'free love' 'no commitment' 'no church service uniting that love before God and 'man' It was two who lived together, 'played' was all about FEELINGS of 'love' ie: that which aroused the passions in the human but it wasn't love that was ETERNAL. ie: love that was OF GOD. In a word: "all ya need is love la la la la" meant "all ya need is la la la la"
[the results of such confusion is now clearly evident to those who have matured]

"tell it like it is" another sixties phrase. Oh yes, sure sounds like 'speak the truth' but
that's not what it was in action.
"tell it like it is" was spoken by those who had 'a gripe to bear'
against that group there, or that person, or the 'establishment'
Such ran from 'introspective reflection' on their own lives [ie: they left church worship]In short, 'tell it like it is' meant
everyone else had to change - just not THEMSELVES.

"free love" ...the devil's twist on God's love that is freely given to all...and freely accepted by all GRACE comes to one. Ahhh, but that devil...he took that phrase
'free love' to mean 'you don't need to commit to this one you take under your roof' You're 'free'
of that licensing're a
'grown up' - you can do whatever you want - not what 'they' say.
It was 'cowardly' 'non-commital'
GOD'S LOVE is FREE but ETERNAL. GOD'S LOVE 'sacrificed self' for the GOOD of another.

and the word EQUAL. Let me share the definition of communism:
communism: A system of government in which THE STATE plans and CONTROLS the economy and A SINGLE, often AUTHORITARIAN PARTY holds POWER, 'claiming' to make progress toward a higher social order in which ALL GOODS ARE EQUALLY SHARED by the people.

This is what happens when 'the people' confuse 'equality' with
having POSSESSIONS of a material nature. There are some poor souls out there who only feel 'worthy'
by their material possessions. Therefore, if guy A has and he, guy B doesn't have...'life is not equal' ... life ain't fair. And in their confusion they attempt to
"make it fair" FOR THEMSELVES without doing anything IN THEMSELVES to change their circumstance. And in their confusion of what equal is about,
they FORCE ALL OTHERS to 'give up thier freedom' to work and thus possess -- and say "here Mr. Government, you hand it all out as you decree" That will show THEM.

Then 'we will all be equal'

It is not equality when A SINGLE GOVERNMENT ENTITY possesses all
authoritarian power over all. It does nothing to bring prosperity
that does not rust, or corrode
or moths do not eat the material possessions that some long for to show thier 'worth'
fade quickly. EQUALITY 'under God'
means that ALL work - because of
God's good work done for us; thus we honor Him by giving of our abilities [small or large] in service to others. We build others up to see THE GROWTH that occurs in themselves by abiding in the ways of God...and in that knowledge of self,that one can do
and have what one needs; TRUE WORTH comes...WORTH of knowing THE GOD who is always providing for us.

in such we remain 'free' of HUMAN POWER CONTROL over us.

THE DEVIL loves 'communism' ...
it puts 'the flesh' in control.
god is 'self'...aka human only.
No SPIRIT. Everyone is 'a robot'
controled by 'the human at the control'

The democrat party has been and is
slipping down that slippery slope of being socialistic and eventually communistic. They are not at all for freedom, they are for thier own political power; and to be 'the god' who declares who is right and who is wrong and who
should have and who should have not and who should be rich and who should not be. [and truth be told,
they will HAVE while everyone else HAS NOT] They will control 'the economy' with thier setting of wages as they decree them, not the business owner, they will determine how many children can come into this world [playing god isn't it?] they will determine
who shall live and when life should end [euthanasia] - yes, if they see nothing wrong with aborting the unborn, they certainly will see nothing wrong with destroying life that may 'cost them' in terms of the health insurance they wish to
'give' to all. In short, communism is not is putting one's life into the hands of mere humans...fallible humans. It is a rejection of THE GOD that is truly for all.