Rating Some of the Speeches

Mitt Romney- This is my least favorite speech thus far. After his speech yesterday, I found myself thankful that he was not the vice presidential pick. I was never really big on Romney and I think that his selection for VP would have been the beginning of the end for John McCain.

Mike Huckabee- A strong speech but nothing really suprising. This was who I wanted John McCain to pick for his VP. Palin is good choice, but Huckabee would have had the experience, religious morals, and a great story. I thought he related very well to those middle class and lower class Americans that have worked hard for a living, and that he didn't grow up rich. He also lost a lot of weight which I also thought was a great story.

Rudy Giuliani- I thought this was a very strong speech. He got the crowd going qucikly and he didn't let up on his attacks on Obama. I thought his attacks on Obama were very solid and should be helpful for McCain in the future. A terrific lead in for Palin.

Sarah Palin- Simply amazing. The reaction from the media was that she was brilliant. The first words from Wolf Blitzer was that she "Not just hit it out of the ballpark, but she hit a grand slam." I was worried that it wouldn't be a very good speech, and it started a bit slow, but I became more and more impressed as her speech went along. She hit Obama hard, and did it EXTREMELY well. Her speech left the GOP thinking to themselves: "Wow, maybe this was the right choice afterall."

I can't help it but the line: "You know they say that the only difference between hockey moms and pitbulls...is the lipstick." Classic.


michaelwilson said...

Great article!

It's very interesting to see what impact the speeches will have on the polls.
I use a widget to keep track of the progression of polls. The widget shows the election polls by strength of states.
In addition to other different graphical visualizations of data, this one displays the progression of votes over time.

It gives a great overview and it is updated as the polls come in!


... and its easy to put on your blog!

Make a difference, keep on voting!